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Serving Our Families

Graceland Mortuary in Greenville, South Carolina offers a variety of funeral services for our families.

Our Direct Cremation services start as low as $999 and Graceland also offers a variety of traditional funeral packages. In addition, our burials starts as low as $4,695*

*Pricing as of 2/05/2024. A Full Price List is available at the funeral home.

Plan Ahead

Advanced planning is a thoughtful and considerate act that your loved ones will truly appreciate when the time comes.

Customized Tributes

Customizing the service for your loved one allows you to truly honor their memory with unique and personalized details.


Wreaths Across America and the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution - Behethland Bulter SC chapter wish to sincerely thank Michael Kessinger and his staff. Graceland Cemetery West was there to help get the wreaths, put up and pay for an entrance sign, meet with the...

Wreaths Across America and the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution - Behethland Bulter SC chapter wish to sincerely thank Michael Kessinger and his staff. Graceland Cemetery West was there to help get the wreaths, put up and pay for an entrance sign, meet with the committee on more than one occasion, multi phone calls, and a beautifully prepared chapel for the ceremony. Michael was there to help in all ways the day of the ceremony. We truly look forward to working with Graceland West again next year. Our veterans, their loved ones and those attending who went into the rain to place the wreaths are very gratitude to our nation and Graceland. Brenda Jansons WAA and BEHETHLAND BULTER SC DAR

Brenda J

December '21